Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Winter Walk In The Woods |

I realized that if I wanted to get some photos for our Christmas Cards that NOW was the time! We are away next weekend and the following weekend is already December (where every weekend has something going on!!).  Plus with Shutterfly is having a 50% off sale until Monday so I thought if I can get everything done now it would mean savings!

I had already found the location I wanted to use for the photos on a walk one day. There were a few beautiful birch trees and  a pine tree behind them. We have a love for Birch trees that started on our honeymoon. So we makeshift planned our outfits (grabbing one of MY tamoshanters for Aderyn to wear and my hubby and I just wore our black coats & jeans).

Since we didn't have a photographer my idea was to have my husband take a photo of me holding Aderyn by the tree (so that he could get her to look/smile) then I took a photo of Ben by himself leaning on the other side of the tree. I then patched the photos together, matching up the tree bark in the middle, so that it looked like we were all in one photo together! Hopefully no one will be able to tell (unless of course they read my blog post hehe)! 

 I didn't have high hopes for how they would turn out, but in the end they are nice and will work well for our Christmas card!

Now to pick and design our Christmas cards from the hundreds of options!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Vintage | Photo Remakes

A few vintage photo remakes - SO Fun!!

My dad holding me, and then holding Aderyn at the hospital.

My mom and my brother at the back door the day I came home from the hospital, and Ben and I with Aderyn the day she came home.

Top: Me 3-4 weeks old (approx) - Bottom: Aderyn 2 weeks old

First Swing Rides!  Left: Me 1988, 7 months - Right: Aderyn 2013, 7 months!

Sitting in the playroom. Me 6 months, Aderyn 6 months.

Under the blankey! Top: Ben 16months - Bottom: Aderyn 8.5months

Happy girls. Me: 7 or 8 months - Aderyn: 8 months

My mom and I on a swing, she was 25 - Me and Aderyn on a swing when I am 25!

Baby's first Halloween - One month apart and my mo and I are 25!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our BOO-tiful Girl's First Halloween |

Aderyn was a Jar Of Baby Dills because daddy calls her 'Baby Dill' and 'Pickle Toes' - Then we dressed her in a warmer costume for going out to a few houses in the neighbourhood and she was a Little Miss Piggy Wiggy!

Our Big Girl is on the Move |

Aderyn is almost 9 months. In the past week she has started pulling herself up to standing. She loves to walk around while holding mommy and daddy's hands. She is super fast at crawling now. The box she is climbing up on is a 'super yard/gate' box for that very reason!