Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy | My Experience


  1. The treatment plan may involve one or more manual adjustments in which the doctor manipulates the joints, using a controlled, sudden force to improve range and quality of motion. Many chiropractors also incorporate nutritional counseling and exercise/rehabilitation into the treatment plan. The goals of chiropractic care include the restoration of function and prevention of injury in addition to back pain relief.Chiropractor 06611

  2. This is a great video, Kendel! It’s nice to see that the results of your scans were improving and you’re getting better. Chiropractic care has been very effective in making your body attain the balance of hormones and improving the functions of your bodily systems. Since you’re pregnant, I know that chiropractic treatment has enabled you to have an easy pregnancy. Congratulations on your new baby, by the way! I’ll be following your advice to undergo chiropractic treatment, and I hope I’ll also get great results. :)

    -- Gwen Knight

  3. Noteworthy video! How are you? Have you delivered the baby yet? Is it a boy or girl? Chiropractic really is helpful for it helps relieve a lot of ailments in our body. Thanks for sharing your experience! This is very educational. Now every pregnant lady will surely know that Chiropractic is safe for them.
    - Major Marburger

  4. Thanks for sharing this informative video, Kendel! I've been told that exercise can help induce labor, but I'm a little wary about doing it on my own because I'm not quite sure of how much effort I need to exert. Glad to know that I can turn to a chiropractor for help not just in that area, but also with several other pregnancy issues. I'll definitely look into chiropractors in my area. Congrats on the baby girl, by the way! :)

